
How to Write a Press Release After The Right Viewpoint?

Press Release

Nevertheless, how do you write an actual press release? First, you must adhere to the standard. You’ll also want to ensure that by scanning it, they get a good idea of your app’s unique and newsworthy aspects. You also need to keep in mind that you need to be realistic in your press release and with exaggerated marketing adjectives like “awesome” and “incredible.”

And, recollect to look at your press release through the eyes of the person you send it to. Also, it can be easy to focus on what you want to accomplish from your app launch press release.

But remember that the person receiving your press release must have a reason to write about your application. In different words, they need to look good too.

Think carefully about what your readers want to read. Browse past articles by the person you’re about to send your press releasing it. Which posts got the most shares and comments? It will help you determine the correct angle to present your application.

Finally, could you keep it to one page? Like yours, people who know about your app get dozens of leads a day. The longer it is, the more likely you will hit the delete button.

Sample Press Release (Press Release Structure)

To help you write your it, here’s an example and a breakdown of its elements. Before you start: when to send your press release to your contacts is an important question. If you don’t want journalists to publish a story immediately, you can use the phrase “So far under embargo” in your press release.

It will allow you to send them along with your app promo video a few days before launch, allowing them to write their story and post it on your app launch date. Be careful, though; sometimes they ignore the embargo (so repeat that in your email too).

Also, if you don’t know famine, send them an actual addon like the following file (this is more for your press kit) – you should include your text-only press release in the body of your email.

Finally, don’t send mass emails to everyone you describe: try to find out what they wrote and for whom. Show them you know their business (don’t try too hard, though).

It App icon and App/Company name.

Add your awesome app icon at the top of the press release with your app name (not the “long version” available on the AppStore or Google Play). It can also be your company name and logo, depending on which one you want to focus on (if your company is unknown, I suggest focusing on the app).

Subject line.

It is important. Like I said before, you need to be realistic and use something like “the company is releasing products for the platform.” It’s attractive and challenging, but if you can, make it exciting and mention something unique about your app (reward, usage, etc.).

Summary line.

If you haven’t lost journalists yet, you need to convince them that your story (and theirs, too) is worth reading so they can review more of your press release. You want to clarify what the basics of your app are, as well as what makes it unique.


Start with your location and release date. Then, please explain in 2/3 sentences what your app is about (its primary purpose, not its features) and who is for it.

What do you think?

Written by Techie Records

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